Happy Labor Day weekend you all . I guess as surgery gets closer, Im getting more nervous. The interesting thing is the more I read about thyroid cancer the more I learn that I had symptoms long time ago but everytime I will go to the doctor they diagnosed me with something else. I always had a scratchy throat ( a symptom of thyroid cancer) but was always told that it was post nasal drip. I had multiple joint pain, but because I am a triathlete not only me but my doctors (even thou they couldn't find anything in multiple MRI's and Scans) thought the pain was just stress I put on my joints from all the running, biking, weight lifting. Neck pain??? Yeap..I had that too. But it was more noticeable when I went swimming and after a swim, so one more time I relate it to bad swimming techniques. I never thought I was having symptoms of something more serious. Don't get me wrong, I did got check by doctors and was told multiple times I was turining hypocondriac and it was all in my head. In my head????? Well I guess I was filling my head up so much that the truth finally came out.
I was being treated by an endocrinologist because I did know I had Hypothyroidism. I was on treatment for Hypo for more than two years with this doctor and we didn't see eye to eye. Everytime I will go to her office she will not take my complaints seriously. She kept saying that I was fine, that my levels were normal with the amount of Levothyroxine I was taking and that one more time all the symptoms and my weight gain was for not eating properly. This is when I fired her!!!!! I compete in Triathlons and train more than a total of 10 hours a week burning a great amount of calories plus I am a very healthy eater. My diet consist of all whole grains, fruits, veggies and lean meats!!! I don't eat junk food plus I eat 6 times a day. Really?? Not eating properly ha????That's when I switch to my new endo, my previous endo never sent my file to my new one even thou it was requested. That is when my new doctor decided to do all the labs, test and utrasounds needed. This is when we discovered the cancer. If I wouldn't switch doctor I probably would have died from cancer. I love my new endo, he sits with me takes time to answer all my questions. This man saved my life, at least he is helping me have a longer one. My advised to you all is that you know your body more than anyone, so if you don't feel good look for another opinion and look for a doctor that takes medicine seriously and is not there for your money but to help you get better.
So today I read the low iodine diet I must do once I am ready for Radiation and it's very restrictive. So I called my girl Arlene and we went on a Red Velvet Cupcake endulgence! It's my favorite and I won't be able to eat it once I am on the diet....so give me a Red Velvet Cupcake, it makes me smile and feel good :)
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