Sunday, September 12, 2010

Horny Juice for surgery and VICO what???

Well this is day 5 of my Thyrodectomy (removal of my thyroid gland) and after days of bed, bed, bed and more bed I said...ENOUGH!!!! If you know me well, you know how active I am. I live everyday doing some kind of activity, exercise or been out and about. Bed is just where I sleep. I refuse to spend more than the required 8 hours of sleep in a bedroom and in bed. So today I told my mother, grab your purse we are heading out! Still a little sore, this was the best thing I could have done. It actually helped me release some of the tension I had in my shoulders. This type of surgery can be very risky. Where you will get cut, that is exactly where vocal cords and nerves of your face are located. One little wrong move out of the area supposed to cut, my voice could have changed forerver and also so droppyness could have occured if a nerve results in damage. I was a very lucky person. The group of doctors performing my surgery was amazing. They are all board certified plus I had 2 medical students aswell. Part of the team was a Neuro Physiologist, this man was in charged of making sure my surgeon would not touch the nerves and vocal cords. They do this by inserting two needles through both of my shoulders blades and those help doctors know exactly where to cut and avoid damage. That is the reason my shoulders are so sore. I am happy to say that surgery was a success and no damage was done to my vocal cords or my face nerves.

Surgery was 3 hours long. They gave me the usual fuuny juice before heading down the infamous road to the surgery room. You see, I always react with the "I can't stop laughing" reaction when they give me the differenc this time! I was laughing and  so the doctors and nurses too. God knows what came out of my mouth. If I take seriously what my nurse said to me after surgery...I am screwed. She said they call it the "Horny Juice", she said most people just become horny all of the sudden. The tought of it makes me run and crinch! Ohh well, I guess I am not the only one who have asked a doctor out on the surgery

I was also introduced to the name Vicodin! I can't honestly say how much I hate that name. I was forced to take one at one point for pain killer and after that I can honestly and thruthfully say I didn't take any other one of those for the rest of my recovery. I spent all these days holding on to the pain and discomfort. I don't believe in those drugs....Tylenol is fine for me! I know they are needed for severe cases, I didn't find min eto be that severe, I thought that the side effects of it are more damaging than the actual good they can do for you. I had a little fight with the nurse about vicodin and I won! I"ll take the pain anytime...

Still in recovery but doing so much better now! Will keep you all the mean time...enjoy everyday like it is your last one :)



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