Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A great day at the office!..

Another day, another smile. God is working with me. He is helping me and thinking about me. When I got the news about me having Thyroid Cancer, the first thing that came to my mind was " I just bought a house and now I must go on disability, how I will pay my bills with only 60% of my salary when on disability?" I got scared, very scared! But, there is a God and he is looking after me :)

Before all this I was approached to see if I once again wanted to join my company's training department one more time. I love flying, but my brain needs some action...brain action!!! The day after I got the news about having cancer, I get a call from the training supervisor to see if i would like to go teach full time for a month or two. I could't believe what I was hearing. This meant that I would not hav eto go on disability. You see, with the type of surgery I will have the doctor didn't recommend me flying. It can stretch my skin, open my stiches and get infected in such environment. So disability was my choice, meaning I will only get 60% of my salary while I was gone. Not anymore, now I will be teaching at the training center earning a regular income. I am lucky and blessed!!!!!

Met my doctor and surgery will be soon. I am feeling great with high spirits...ready to get it over it so I can be back on the saddle, the lake and running my miles. Thanks to my employer for always been so supportive of anything I do.

I will soon stop flying for a while, but it couldn't come at any better time.



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