Friday, December 17, 2010

Radiation Therapy is finally here!

It's been long again that I blogged, but the last few weeks been life changing in so many ways. I was getting myself ready for my radioactive treatment by doing the infamous low iodine diet, last saturday I got removed from my hormone therapy and this last wednesday I was given the infamous radioactive pill. What these 20 days have been!!!

My low iodine diet was easy for me in a few ways. I love to cook, so I modified a few of my own recipes and made them low iodine. However, giving up all milk products and sea food was very hard for me. I was able to manage through it. I can see how hard this could be for someone who doesn't enjoy cooking as you must prepare your own meals.

Last saturday, I had to stop taking my hormone replacement therapy (Synthroid). This is the pill that provides me with my T3 hormone that I cant produce on my own because I have no thyroid gland no more. This was hard. I had multiple headaches and mood swings...go figure!!! Then this past Monday and Tuesday I was given my Thyrogen shots. This is a medicine they use now to increase my levels of Thyrogoblyn without having to go Hypo for 6 weeks. I am glad they invinted this medicine because only one week been Hypo was enough for me. I could not imagine all those people years ago that had to go hypo for so long. Medicine has evolved and I am happy it was during my times. Thank you God for helping all doctors and scientist to come with better ways to help people like me.

And the big day was last wednesday! I got to Florida Hospital to finally get my Radioactive Iodine Ablation and what an experience that was. Firts, I get pregnancy test after pregnancy test. They have to make sure that I am not expecting before giving me the pill. I told my doctor that if the test comes out positive to call the church as soon as possible because Jesus is coming and I am the selected one! There where no chances whatsoever that I was pregnant but protocol is protocol. So, there I sat in the tiny room whating for results to come in and facing a box that not even a bomb would be able to open. Then, results are in and of course I am not pregnant!! Daaah. So it's time to open the box. Inside the box there was this 30 pound led capsule that contained the pill. As soon as they opened the capsule, alarms start going off detecting the radiation. All I hear next is "Take it and swallow it now". No time to think or to step back! So I took it in my hands, swallowed it and there where still alarms. Then the next thing I hear is "Grab your stuff and leave now, doctor will escort you out maintaining at least 6 feet from you". I felt like a lepperd! I never thought how different you feel and how marked you become.

I got in my car drove home a little nauseous but was able to handle it. Now it was time for isolation to begin, locked up in my house until saturday. Today is friday...I am going to be FREE tomorrow!!! Well, a little free. I will still have to maintain a 3 feet distance from pregnant woman and chikdren until wednesday but at least I can step out of house and get NORMAL FOOD!!! Do I hear BURGER WITH CHEESE, YOGURT, my beloved ICED LATTE!!! Wooo hooo!!! The little things that will make you so happy. They will make me for sure.

As far as of side effects, I have the dry mouth, itchy throat and a little neck pain. Other than that I am doing great!!! Stay tuned for more and for when I start training again...Happy Holidays!!



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